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Output Peripherals

Versatec Models 810, 820, and 830A Rasterizers

Xerox Engineering Systems -- Versatec Products

Versatec Model 800 Series Raster Processing Machines are special-purpose,single- or multiprocessor systems that offload the host computer of time-consuming and costly graphics data processing. When combined with aVersatec electrostatic plotter, computer interface, and host software,these raster processing machines provide a high-performance plottingsystem, for fast, quiet, and reliable graphic output.Versatec Model 800 Series Raster Processing Machines allow host computerusers to fully maximize the high resolution and fast plotting speed ofVersatec electrostatic plotters. Each raster processing machine supportsthe complete line of Versatec plotters, including 200- and 400-points-per-inch electrostatic monochrome and color plotters.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Versatec raster plotter
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Xerox Engineering Systems -- Versatec Products
5853 Ruserrari Ave
San Jose, CA 95138
Phone: (408) 229-3071
Fax: (408) 727-2399